
CCCCA 中文学校学生守则

  1. 总是称呼老师职位或 尊姓,听老师话。
  2. 按时或稍提前到课堂。
  3. 提问时举手。
  4. 可以坐在你的座位上与老师讲话。
  5. 缺席时必须补上所缺 的课业。向老师或同学请教。
  6. 如果因紧急事情离开学校,事先告诉你的老师。
  7. 所有作业必须是你自己完成的。
  8. 考试不许作弊。
  9. 任何缺勤或迟到,需要请家长通知老师。
  10. 当老师提问且没有 指定某一学生回答时,知道答案的都应该举手。
  11. 不要在墙上、桌椅等处乱涂乱画。不要动教室里的其它东西。
  12. 在学校不准与同学吵架和打架,如果发生争吵,先报告老师。
  13. 请勿带锐器和习武兵器到学校。
  14. 下课后要清理干净自己的座位。
  15. 不要在走廊里喧哗奔跑。
  16. 出入学校要注意来往的汽车,注意安全。


Student’s Regulations

  1. Please call teachers and school directors respectfully and follow teacher’s instructions.
  2. Please get to the classroom on time or a little earlier.
  3. Please raise your hand when you want to ask a question.
  4. You may sit on the seat when you talk to the teacher.
  5. When you are absent, you must make up the work you have missed .Ask either the teacher or a classmate for the work.
  6. If you want to leave school earlier than regular time, please let the teacher know before you do it.
  7. All assignments you hand in must by your own work.
  8. Please follow the teacher’s instruction when you take an exam.
  9. Please inform the teacher when you are late or absent and ask the work you will miss.
  10. When a teacher asks a question and does not name a particular student to answer it, anyone who knows the answer should raise one hand.
  11. Please do not draw anything on the wall, desks and chairs. Do not touch the items in classrooms.
  12. Please don’t fight with classmate(s) and school mate(s). If it happens, please report to teacher first.
  13. Please don’t bring any sharp object and martial arts weapon to school.
  14. Clean up your seat after class.
  15. Do not run and make noise inside of the school building.
  16. Please watch traffic in parking lot when you come to and leave school.



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